Saturday, October 20, 2012

University Life 2: The Reckoning

So I had originally planned to post on here a lot more often than what I actually do, it was going to be my own personal record of my experiences in University, and that would have been spectacular. I failed at this task miserably by posting only when something angers me, less than half of what I had intended to write about. So I guess I'll use this post and my current free time to make up for that. Here goes...

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Just a small rant

The stupidity of the current generation and the instant jump to insults or calling someone haters for correcting them is probably one of the main reasons I have no hope for the future. If you can't handle criticism you can't find your flaws and grow, if you don't grow from recognizing your flaws then you'll have the 16 year old mentality of "I'm right and you're wrong regardless of the truth" for the rest of your life. Congratulations folks, you're the reason shit like Snooki and #YOLO exist. Your self important attitude would be acceptable, had you ever accomplished or even attempted anything meaningful in life. Seeing as how this is not the case, your self importance is undeserved, and it makes me and any other reasonable person want to remove you from this world.

Monday, September 10, 2012

A Boy and His Dog


You're so small and so fragile, yet so full of life. I can't wait to see if you grow to be as big and goofy and friendly as your parents.

You sleep the whole way home, it's been a big day for you, such a friendly little thing.

We name you Sasha, after your mother, she's beautiful and we know that one day you will be too.

Linoleum floors are a new thing to you, we spend hours playing with you and laughing as you slide into the walls, not yet understanding how to stop yourself.

You get spayed to avoid the hassle of puppies, drooling and barely able to walk after your surgery, you're as happy as ever to see us.

The years pass, we're growing up together. You're always there for me when no one else is. I tell you everything.

You're truly my best friend, you know my fears, you alone know how scared I am to grow up. You never judge me, you never tell anyone.

My first breakup; you cuddle with me and slobber on me when I feel like my world is ending, "This is heartbreak" I think aloud, your stinky breath and cold nose assure me that you'd never let me down.

You're getting old in dog years, I'm a young man and you're suddenly an old lady. You don't let it show though, still energetic and goofy, you love to play even when it hurts.

I'm going away to University, to the world I'm brave, full of confidence, and ready for the challenge, only you know that I'm scared to death. You reassure me again, my silent confidant.

Your eyesight is going, and you're getting easy to sneak up on, you don't hear so well these days. Gone are the days where you come running to the door when I get home, now you sleep by the door and don't wake up until it pushes against you.

I tell myself that I'll see you again, though I'm  not so sure.

When I return for the summer and you're barking and jumping up and down happy to see me I known you've got more time.

You still try to jump up on me, but now you've forgotten how to stand on linoleum. It breaks my heart seeing you slip trying to sit upright in the kitchen.

Gone is the grace, the speed, the energy of my best friend. But in your eyes I can see that you remember me, you remember all those years. The days spent in the yard chasing after birds much too high in the air for you to ever catch, barking at passersby hoping they will come say hello.

Standing up is slow and painful for you, some days you can't even climb onto the couch without help. You don't complain, you just sleep on the floor, it's soft enough anyway.

Now I'm going to University again, this time I don't tell you I'm afraid of this big change. I tell you I'm afraid I'll never see you again. You don't seem too concerned, you're just happy to get some attention.

I leave early in the morning, I want to wake you to say goodbye, just in case, but I don't, you need your sleep and I know you'll drive mom crazy with whining if you're awake when I leave.

I can't imagine what I would do without you to confide in, and I wish I could tell you one more time that I love you.

I hope you'll be alright, and I hope that I'll see you again at Christmas...I won't.


Friday, July 27, 2012

Gettin' High to Disguise My Lows

I'm beginning to think coming home and working construction for the summer was a mistake. Sure I've got to see some good friends but everything else about it has ranged from shitty to full on traumatic.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Darkness Surrounds me... (Part 1)

Disclaimer: This is a fictional short story, it contains some weirdness, but don't take it too seriously.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Student's Lament

Well, I'm exactly one week from being on my way back to the hometown after my first year of university. It's a bittersweet feeling, being finished the semester and hopefully having at least a 3.3 GPA for the term is exciting, but I'm not looking forward to the Summer at all.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Letter to my Aunt and her husband

My cousin recently passed away when he crashed his helicopter, to honor his memory I wrote my aunt a letter since I can't make it to the funeral because of school. Go ahead and read if you want.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

My American History term paper

I'd like to apologize in advance for the length of this post, but I am fairly proud of myself for having written this paper and felt like sharing it here. I learned a lot in my research and I think anyone willing to read this paper would benefit knowledge-wise from doing so!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Short but Sweet & Sour

It looks like my body has finally had enough of the university party lifestyle, after having partied nearly every day since St. Patrick's I'm now sick. I woke up this morning with my throat so badly swollen that I couldn't talk and it took considerable effort to swallow the water I immediately reached for upon waking. I'm still unsure if this is a result of irritation from the amount of yelling one has to do in a noisy bar, or if I'm legitimately sick.

Monday, March 19, 2012

So Kiss Me, I'm Shit Faced (A Freshman Retrospective)

I'd like to start off by saying I hope everybody had as fun of a St. Patrick's weekend as I did. Started off with a Fred Penner concert on Friday night, met the man and got a photo and autograph, then went to a fairly epic bash on Saturday night and got absolutely shit faced listening to live Celtic music. I spent the better part of the night talking this girl into coming over to hang out with my roommate (Wingman Level: 99) and she did. Not too sure what all happened and even if I was sure I wouldn't get into it on here.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

If I could, I would be good

I felt like I needed to get some shit off my chest, and since  I average maybe 4 hits a day on here, I felt this would be a good venue in which it was unlikely to ever be read by anyone I know. Feel free to comment.